Racers dressed as a skyscraper, beekeeper and a chest of drawers were among dozens of runners in zany costumes zipping around a central London square with a frying pan in hand ...
Growing up, I loved my mother's traditional Guyanese pancakes but often was unsure why they were even called pancakes, as ...
To my mind it's frankly tragic that the tradition of Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday isn't better known outside of Britain. The ...
Sedgefield swapped pancakes for pints as hundreds of locals took part in a traditional 'brawl' in the village green. Several ...
The Princess of Wales once put her pancake flipping skills to the test at engagement and made a candid admission ...
With a bowlful of flour, a cracked egg in the centre and a steady stream of milk, a whisk is all that lies between you and a ...
The famous Olney pancake race, run for hundreds of years on Shrove Tuesday, has once again been declared a success.
People have been flipping pancakes while running through the streets to mark Shrove Tuesday across the south of England. Many ...