Sharing social media posts about ICE sightings may not be be that helpful, but there are other ways to be an ally.
In the Chicago area, people are initially sent to Broadview Processing Center before being transferred to detention centers out of state.
An Illinois circuit court judge has ordered Chicago landlords to pay former tenants $80,000 after they threatened to report ...
A judge ordered a pair of landlords to pay $80,000 to tenants they had threatened to call immigration enforcement on amid a rent dispute in 2020.
Law enforcement being put in harm's way with Illinois’ migrant sanctuary policies, the Illinois Sheriffs Association says.
Tillamook, one of the nation's fastest-growing dairy brands, has started making and packaging ice cream at its Decatur plant.
More than a month after much-publicized sweeps in Chicago, ICE still won’t say who they rounded up, what they’ve been ...
Since President Trump returned to the White House, his administration has moved swiftly to enact a large-scale immigration enforcement agenda, with Chicago emerging as a key battleground.
The Trump administration’s immigration crackdown is sparking fear and hurting business in Aurora’s immigrant community, local ...