Under consideration by the Richmond City Council on Tuesday was a policy to prohibit the use of city resources, including ...
As the Education Department prepares to cut half of its' employees, one Alabama educator assures students and school staff that their funding won’t diminish.
A judge blocked the Trump administration from forcing organizations to accept his anti-DEI contract terms. Trump officials haven’t let them know.
New perspective on the cancellation of the eleven million dollars in United States Department of Agircultyre funding that helped connect iowa farmers and their ...
Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers — one of the nation's largest teacher unions with 1.8 ...
The recent decision by the U.S. Department of Education to slash its workforce by nearly 50% has sparked varied reactions ...
By Francis Koster, Ed.D. Almost all the public education systems in America receive the overwhelming majority of their funding from their own state legislature. North Carolina’s contribution is ...
On Wednesday, educators and the Arizona Education Association rallied at the state capitol for Prop 123, the measure that would give educators a raise.
According to documents obtained by KSHB 41 News, 13 ATA bus routes would be cut. That would impact 6,574 riders, or 18% of the total number of Ride KC passengers.
According to Alabama Education Superintendent Dr. Eric Mackey, this outage is unprecedented. The state has the reserves to withstand future outages, but only for a short time.
A grant to help with the pool has written to the Marietta Community Foundation to help with getting new sand tanks and pumps.
President Donald Trump’s pledge to eliminate the Department of Education could have a major impact on Kansas Citians.