Just east of Betelgeuse is the fine binocular cluster NGC 2244. But the much fainter Rosette Nebula that lies around the cluster shows up nicely in this fine photo of it by EAAA member James Schultz.
Here’s everything you need to know about astrophotography in February 2025: If you've been outside just after sunset in the ...
Orion the Hunter and Taurus the Bull face off in the southern sky in early February as soon as it gets dark. Taurus is home to two of the brightest star clusters, the Pleiades and Hyades. Both are ...
After passing through its New phase last week, the Moon is now a thin waxing crescent some 8 percent lit by sunset this ...
The next full moon, known as the snow moon, will rise in mid-February. Stargazers can see it illuminate the skies in the ...