The government will designate areas for the installation. Japan has approved the bill amendment that will allow the building ...
On Friday, the government submitted a bill in parliament that would allow wind power generation facilities in the country's ...
However, the government has set a catch limit of 379 whales for this year within Japan’s EEZ, including a cap of 167 for minke whales, 187 for Bryde’s and 25 for Sei whales. According to some ...
The move comes days after a Chinese flotilla raised alarm as it circled Australia and conducted live firing exercises in the ...
North Korea revealed a nuclear-powered submarine in construction. The vessel can carry about 10 missiles, including ...
The overall maritime cooperation is part of Indian Govt’s “Security and Growth for All in the Region” (SAGAR) vision, ...
China has built up economic and military ties across the Indian Ocean. The region holds 40% of the world’s offshore oil and ...
Exercising Australia's freedom of navigation, the Royal Australian Air Force successfully completed maritime surveillance ...
Parts of Suva harbor in Fiji resemble a ship graveyard with more than two dozen rusting and unseaworthy vessels abandoned due ...
China has, since the 1970s, employed what Lt. Colonel Joel N Rea called, a layered “cabbage strategy, using the People’s ...
The rapid expansion of China’s ocean exploration offers Beijing valuable military intelligence as it expands its naval reach ...