In the Doctor Who Universe, "Bad Wolf" has impacted both sides of the camera - from modern-era mystery to meme to production studio name.
In 'Stark Insurgent,' Tony Stark will launch his own offensive against Doom, but he's not going in alone. Rather than having ...
Harold Ridley successfully implanted the world’s first artificial intraocular lens.
Amandaland brings back familiar faces and introduces new ones, including Samuel Anderson as Mal, Amanda's disgruntled ...
Since the first time-traveling adventure in the TARDIS in 1963, Doctor Who earned its place as one of the all-time greats of ...
This terrific collection of five unabridged audiobooks from the classic range of ‘Doctor Who’ Target novelisations will delight any fan of the original 1963-89 science-fiction series. There are two ...
Regeneration on Doctor Who allowed the Time Lord to change face. From William Hartnell to Tom Baker to David Tennant, here is ...
Jemma Redgrave has been confirmed as coming back to the series for 2025.
Classic Doctors New Monsters returns for audio box set 5. It includes encounters the Krillitaine, the Lupari and the Monks.
Covers for two of 2025's Doctor Who novels have been revealed, as the Doctor faces Frankenstein and the Patchwork Man and Dracula!
Anita Dobson's Doctor Who character, Mrs Flood, has been the source of theories and confusion from her first moment on screen ...
Dalek Puppets were first used to bring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory to the Dalek Parliament. They were also present on ...