The head of the Department of Health and Human Services sat in a Steak n Shake and suggested getting measles is better than ...
Weldon later appeared in "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," a 2016 documentary directed by Wakefield and produced by Del ...
As an outbreak brews, readers admonish attempts to discredit the measles vaccine.
Weldon is set to appear on Thursday before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions for a confirmation ...
Under normal circumstances, the study of health problems after COVID vaccinations posted online on Feb. 25 might not have ...
Researchers with grants from the NIH to study why some people have questions or fears about vaccines and how to help those ...
The order covers more than 40 awards to researchers around the country seeking to understand why vaccine acceptance has ...
The Texas outbreak hits 228 cases, as New York’s mandate wins in court.
Christopher Ridley, a spokesperson for Moderna, said the state legislative efforts are largely a product of ...
A federal judge ruled in favor of Merck in litigation accusing it of concealing the risks of Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent ...