Other legislative action on Wednesday included the Iowa House passing a bill for the state to join the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact.
Sunshine and Temperatures in the low 40s Today in the Twin Cities will take a big bite out of the Snowcover from this past Wednesday’s Snowfall. Farther south Today from eastern Nebraska through Iowa, ...
The Junior Board of Rock Island held its 86th annual Mardi Gras Ball fundraiser on Saturday, March 1, at the Waterfront ...
A sea of red T-shirts with accompanying signs occupied several blocks of Avenue of the Cities in Moline on Sunday as ... in Iowa or the post office in Illinois. The proposed privatization is ...
A vehicle traveling west on Avenue of the Cities struck the teens just after school was dismissed on Tuesday afternoon.
MOLINE, Ill. (KWQC) - A Moline High School senior received a prestigious Coca-Cola scholarship. Regional representatives from The Atlantic Bottling Company came to Moline High School to honor ...
On Tuesday officials reiterated that uncertainty caused by a dramatic change in federal financial policy leaves little room for experimentation.
MOLINE, Ill. (KWQC) - A new country, western bar will replace Moline’s Analog Pizza & Arcade in May. Late Rider will be the Quad Cities first country western bar, according to its Facebook page. The ...