Founded more than 90 years ago, the institution is in dire financial straits. But is it an expensive indulgence – or vital ...
Abiding Christ Lutheran Church in Fairborn has partnered with Miami Valley Career Technology Center Aspire to offer English as a Second Language and GED/HSE classes to the community.
A recently approved Rutherford County Schools resolution for federal authorities to close the nation's borders offended one ...
When asked what it takes to “truly” belong in a country, many people globally say speaking the local language is key.
For clients with limited English proficiency (LEP), accurate interpretation ensures they understand and are understood, ...
A SNF is uniting the local community and careers in long-term care by establishing an English as a second language program.
Entrepreneur and activist Paul English developed Steppin to make the users walk away from their mobile phones to earn time on ...
The Spanish language is becoming increasingly popular around the world - but one country in particular is set to have the ...
While post-secondary education has traditionally been associated with a four-year college degree, alternative pathways -- community colleges, vocational training and ...
Options are plentiful when it comes to learning a foreign language online. Though most college educators may suggest a student enroll in a school, there are programs, platforms and software outside ...
Some languages in the world are facing extinction rapidly. Language Documentation helps us to safeguard and preserve them.
After helping a friend start a Spanish Club, I became addicted to Duolingo, the free language app. Then I discovered the power of free, artificially intelligent assistants.