LA CROSSE, Wis. (WKBT)- Congressman Ron Kind isn’t up for re-election for another 18 months, but the democrat is already facing two challengers. Republican Derrick Van Orden, who lost to Kind ...
After college, I worked for (now retired) Congressman Ron Kind and was honored to do my part supporting his efforts in Washington to protect Wisconsin farmers' livelihoods. I then went on to work ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WKBT) – After Wisconsin’s August primary candidates will need to start their engines as the November general election approaches. Votes were cast for several local district ...
U.S. News // 3 years ago U.S. Rep. Ron Kind announces he will not seek re-election in 2022 Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., announced Tuesday he will not seek re-election in 2022, becoming the latest swing ...
Rep. Ron Kind is retiring after holding the seat for more than 20 years. A person can figure out where politicians stand based on the letter written next to their names on a ballot. But voters in ...