It's exactly half a century to the day that Lesley was taken at gunpoint by the so-called Black Panther and left to die 54ft ...
Teenager Lesley Whittle was found dead fifty years ago today, her killer known as 'The Black Panther', left her in a sewage drain where she was found dead. | ITV News Central ...
A new ITV show focuses on the notorious case that helped bring about the abolition of capital punishment for murder ...
RUTH Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in Britain on July 13, 1955, left behind two children when she was executed at the age of 28. New ITV series A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story, which ...
Lesley Whittle, from Highley, Shropshire, was kidnapped from her home by Donald Neilson – known as the Black Panther – in January 1975. The case sparked a huge police operation and culminated ...
He has now been charged with murder and is set to appear before Newcastle Local Court on Monday. Det Insp Aylet earlier said Neilson would be charged with “the murder of that male (Mr Garland ...