Flyers revealing the names, photos and phone numbers of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have appeared in a Southern California neighborhood.
In a display of force aimed at increasing arrests and generating publicity, the administration targeted the nation’s largest city, where sanctuary policies limit cooperation with ICE.
In a statement, an ICE spokesperson said the agency ... in New York City and Aurora, Colorado Department of Homeland Security head Kristi Noem, who took part in the operation, posted photos ...
ICE encountered an average of 3,200 illegal migrant criminals through the Rikers program, said Mechkowski, who previously ran the agency’s fugitive operations program in the Big Apple. New York ...
On Tuesday morning, space inside ICE detention facilities was at 109% capacity, with the agency holding close to 42,000 migrant detainees, despite having, on paper, a 38,521-bed capacity in its ...