Astronomers have discovered that billions of comets in an icy shell around the solar system called the Oort Cloud mimic the spiral structure of the Milky Way.
We are surrounded by it: an odd spiral was seen close to the Milky Way. NASA Supercomputer Unveils Spiral Surprise at Solar ...
NASA’s Pleiades supercomputer has provided fresh insights into the Oort cloud – ​​a vast, theoretical spherical shell of icy ...
The NASA boffins in white coats and thick-rimmed glasses have detected new signals that show the Oort cloud - the spooky ...
Most of the long-period comets in the Solar System come from the outer Oort Cloud. The inner region is much more stable. It's ...
New research suggests the Oort Cloud may have a spiral structure like a mini galaxy. Supercomputer models reveal its ...
In 1920, astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis held a Great Debate. Shapley argued that the spiral nebulae were small ...
A family portrait of the Andromeda galaxy and its orbiting dwarf satellites raises questions about how galaxies evolve.
Have you ever wondered how astronomers manage to map out the Milky Way when it's so incredibly vast? One of the most powerful ...
The Milky Way's tidal forces may be shaping the Oort Cloud's inner structure into a spiral shape.
Groundbreaking research reveals the Oort Cloud's shape as a spiral structure, challenging traditional beliefs about its ...
This spiral structure is attributed to "galactic tides" – the gravitational forces exerted by distant stars, black holes, and the Milky Way's center. These forces have shaped the Oort cloud over ...